Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sarah's (almost) Root Canal and What We Learned

                                                                                                                                        by Dana Silvey

Today Sarah was scheduled to have a root canal, but thankfully because some dear friends encouraged us to research root canals first, we decided to chose a different route - which turned out to be a better one for us. I want to share with you in a nutshell what we learned about root canals and I strongly encourage you to do your own research before ever considering a root canal.

A root canal treated tooth can lead to a number of chronic health problems and degenerative diseases.  If you get a root canal you may think you are saving your tooth, but actually you are killing it.  In a sense you kill the tooth to kill the pain.  A dead tooth in the body can become a source of chronic infection and toxicity.  Dentists are not able to remove all of the bacteria in an infected tooth and they just hope your immune system will take care of what they cannot get out.  Research shows that most root canals harbor harmful bacteria that can then cause a variety of health issues in the years to follow. You can read more about root canals here at Wellness Mama's Website.

In our research we learned about a group of dentists that treat your dental problems as part of your overall health and well-being, called Biological Dentists. Most dentists will care about their patient's health, but a Biological Dentist will avoid procedures that use toxic materials, like mercury fillings and fluoride, to treat your teeth.  We found a dentist about 1 hour and 20 minutes away, Dr. Clark of Amity Gentle Dental.  It was well worth the drive! You can go to Dr. Clark's Website and learn more about what he does. 

Sarah at Dr. Clark's office, before her tooth was pulled 😊.

Sarah had been in considerable pain as we awaited her scheduled root canal appointment.  We found out about Dr. Clark over the weekend and after much prayer we called first thing yesterday morning to see about getting her an appointment.   After spending time praying before Mark made the call, I just smiled when he told me she had an appointment at 2:30 because of a cancellation. I thought of one of my favorite sayings: God is Good all the time, all the time God is Good! Long story short, Sarah had her first tooth pulled and woke up this morning pain free! (Dr. Clark uses a technique for extractions that causes very minimal pain.) We will go back in about 3-4 months to get something to fill in the empty space she now has.

I encourage you to take a proactive approach in all of your health decisions and do the research to be totally informed!


  1. Well sounds like you got to the root of the problem.

    1. Ha,ha! She sure is glad to have that tooth gone and to be free from pain.
