Saturday, August 22, 2020

Happy Birthday Grace!

Grace turns 14 today! She loves her niece, playing the piano, writing penpals, taking care of her chickens, and organizing Dutch Blitz games in the evenings (and winning them, too!).  Grace is quite a busy bee and she has taken over a lot of the cooking and laundry at our house.  Life would be boring without her!
I couldn't resist using some pictures of when she was younger. :) She had lots of energy (and still does!). 
Dad and Grace.
Grace donated her hair one time after it had gotten really long. 
She loves animals, and Boone and her have a special friendship. 
Grace is the best aunt!
Happy birthday Grace!


  1. {Though I'm a wee bit belated} Happy Birthday, Grace!!! I hope you had a *wonderful* birthday, filled with reminders of how much you're loved!! May God richly bless your year ahead with so much joy in Him and guidance as you seek His will!♥ What beautiful and adorable pictures...I really like the top one! And woohoo for the Spring100 shirt!;)

    Love + Blessings,
    ~Martha Joy

    1. Thank you Martha Joy! I did have a wonderful birthday!��
