Thursday, August 6, 2020

Random Life from April to June

This was our life these past few months... enjoying time with family, loving on the grand-baby, taking lots of walks, and harvesting produce from the garden. 
Elizabeth enjoying book time with Grandma. 
 She's learned how to wave and it is so cute!!
This Spring we girls were apart of a 100 mile walking challenge and we got lots of miles in together down our driveway.  
Mom and I on a walk.
We enjoyed an afternoon with Lizzy and Brittany one Sunday. :) 
Visiting with our Aunt Jackie one afternoon. 
Grace loves being an aunt! She treasures every minute she gets to hold Elizabeth. 
Jacob, Grace, and I got some fishing in one Saturday and we managed to catch quite a few!
Getting some miles in with Aunt Lynn. 
 Dad and Mom's 30th anniversary was at the end of May, and we had a celebration at our house with Will and Brittany, and Pap, Nana, and Aunt Lynn.  
Aunt Lynn and Elizabeth. 
We are so thankful for Dad and Mom's example of faithfulness throughout the years! They decided to reminisce about their wedding day, since Dad realized that none of us kids were there, haha! There were some funny details. :)
The two doggies... Princess and Max. :)
Brittany made them a beautiful scrapbook. 

 Amanda and Will wrote and recorded a song called "Thirty Years" and Amanda put pictures to it and made a slideshow for Dad and Mom.  It was really special!

Later on that day we enjoyed visiting and taking a family walk. 
Garden produce has been in abundance this year!
More walks! 
The guys helped Will put a new roof on their house and we girls went and hung out with Brittany and Elizabeth for a little bit.
This little girl has a laugh that is quite contagious! 
Walking with some friends one afternoon.
We enjoyed just hanging out and talking on the front porch a few times this spring. 
Grace's little chickens entertained us one day!
One Sunday afternoon some of the family took a walk and went exploring down the dirt roads around our house.
The green beans started producing and that became the story of our life...picking, snapping, canning, repeat. :)
Father's Day.
We are very thankful for the leadership and love Dad gives us!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh and strength to your bones." 
-Proverbs 3:5-8

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