Thursday, August 6, 2020

July 4th Recap

On July 4th we enjoyed our annual holiday at the lake with Will and Brittany and some friends.  It was supposed to be thunderstorms that day so we thought our plans were going to change, but instead God blessed us with beautiful weather and we had a really fun day! 
Lizzy made this year so much fun!

We had lots of great food.
We really enjoyed having our friends, the Harbours, join us this year! 
 Our red, white, and blue themed desserts...
After lunch a group of us headed out in the kayaks for a long adventure. :)
Hannah and Amanda.
Jared, Grace, and I. 
Half way through we stopped at a dock and took a little break and some of us switched kayaks. 
 Elizabeth went on her first boat can't get much cuter than that! 
Just relaxing and visiting. 
Grace and I had fun baby-sitting Elizabeth while Will and Brittany went out on the lake. :)  
She was so close to crawling right there!
Most of us headed out on a couple mile walk through the woods. 
This little girl was conked out by the end of our walk. :)
We went and saw the Little Grand Canyon on the other side of the lake again. The guys went down and explored some. 
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork." 


  1. Great pics! God has truly blessed the Mark Silvey family. Keep it up!
