Friday, June 24, 2022

Sarah's Graduation

At the start of June we celebrated Sarah's graduation as she entered into womanhood. It was a special weekend celebrating with family and friends!
Friday night we had a meal at Williams Taverns Restaurant with family.
Lizzy Joy liveling up the room!
That face...😍❤

Dad and Mom sharing some things from Sarah's life.
The grandmothers shared some wisdom and encouragement with Sarah.
Opening presents! Some of her gifts consisted of: a scrapbook of her life...
...a quilt...
...and a sewing table!
Lizzy made a sweet card for Sarah.
Playing at the park where the restaurant was.
Sarah and Grandma.


The next day we celebrated her womanhood ceremony at our church.
Visiting beforehand.
As a special surprise for Sarah, we invited Doc Washburn and his wife to come and we were honored to have them there.
Dad talked about all that Sarah has studied and learned and presented her with a Proverbs 31 certificate.
Dad and the grandfathers had a prayer over Sarah.
Sarah has been learning how to play the piano and performed an arrangement of 'Tis So Sweet' at her graduation.
Dad shared some things from Luke on Mary's example of obedience.
We had a meal afterwards and enjoyed the fellowship!
The sewing themed decorations.
We displayed some of the quilts Sarah has made.
Lizzy did a great job helping Aunt Amanda take pictures of the day! ;)
With friends Bonnie and Rachel.
Doc and Peggy Washburn.
The Silvey/Hellwig families.

"Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."  -Proverbs 31:29-30


  1. Beautiful celebration on your life being a womanhood. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing . But a woman who fears the Lord.she shall be praised. Beautiful picture of you . made it's a special day. Love you❤ too lynn

  2. That looks like such a nice and sober celebration! Some of us watched, or rather in my case, listened from the other room to the ceremony video. I enjoyed that. May God bless you, Sarah, to always exercise the same faith in the Lord that Mary had! It is so lovely to see a young lady who is happy to be a lady, I know God is pleased with that in you! God bless you, Joleen Waltman
