Friday, June 24, 2022

Random Life

Farmers Market started up again the first week of May! This is our normal crew every Tuesday(plus Amanda who was behind the camera.😉)
 We found this little kitty at our church one day, so we brought her home and tried to find another home for her...but I think we have become too attached now and we're going to keep her!
Max is not so sure about sharing his house with someone else. ;)
We have a tradition of dressing our animals up in doll clothes and poor Liz was no exception!😂
Lizzy absolutely loves her!
At the start of April the Flournoy family from Iowa came to visit us. Sarah and one of their girls are friends but they had never met, so they came and surprised Sarah!
Sarah and Caroline.
Playing Dutch Blitz!
They participate in Spring100 as well, so we enjoyed taking a walk together!
At the end of May, we had another family from TN visit us. They also do Spring100 and that's how our families found each other. 
We showed them around Historic Old Washington State Park.

Watching a blacksmith form a leaf from a metal rod.
We really enjoyed getting to meet the Waltman family and the fellowship!
Taking a Spring100 walk!
Us girls took Aunt Lynn out for her birthday to a coffee shop in town.
Playing checkers.
Mom, Sarah, and I had a fun day playing games, singing, and chatting with the Harbour ladies!
Sibling game night!
Traveling to hear the Mark Trammell Quartet!
We got a picture with Mark Trammell!

"Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yes, the LORD will give what is good; and our land will yield its increase. Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway."  -Psalm 85:11-13


1 comment:

  1. Truth shall spring out of the earth . and righteous. Shall look down from heaven . yes lord Will give what is good and our land will yield its increase righteous will go before him and shall make his footsteps our pathway. I'm glad y'all had a good day at the farmer market . Beautiful picture of y'all . stuff look yummy . I like your random post . love you 💖 too lynn
