Thursday, June 9, 2022

Arkansas Primaries ~ 2022

Over the past couple of months, our family was very involved in the Arkansas primary election. We just had the primaries last month, and sadly the governor and state senate candidates(Doc Washburn & Charles Beckham) that we campaigned for lost their races. It was disheartening to see a lot of the true conservatives lose their races, but God was over it all and carrying out His will. "The Most High God rules in the kingdom of men, and appoints over it whomever He chooses." (Daniel 5:21)  Though the candidates who we campaigned for lost, we wouldn't have traded all that we've experienced over the last two months for anything. Enjoy these campaign pictures!

We went door to door passing our pushcards for Doc Washburn and Charles Beckham. We were grateful to be able to knock on 600 doors!!
Our family hosted two different events for people to come and meet their candidates. 
~April 1, 2022~
Sending out mailers for the second meeting.
We also set up at an event in town to advertise the meeting and sell some homemade goods.
~May 10, 2022~
Singing "In God We Still Trust" at the start of the meeting. We were happy to have a good friend, Ben Morren, to accompany us on the piano!
We were very grateful for the wonderful turnout of 60 people!
Visiting afterwards.
Our paths crossed with Anthony and Sabine Coulter at a political meeting we were at. Sabine Coulter's son was killed by an illegal alien, so she goes around telling her story and speaking against illegal immigration.
Dad and Amanda at an event with Doc. 
Even our dog Max was supporting Doc!😂
Some of us had the privilege to sit in on two of Doc's TV interviews one day!
The big day of May 24th was finally here!!
We were honored to be invited to the election watch party that Doc was having in Little Rock.
Big smiles as we await the election results!
Dad spoke for a few minutes beforehand and opened the meeting with prayer.
Doc gave a speech, as well as some workers from his campaign who shared some stories from the last couple months.
Our family with Doc Washburn and good friend Marvin Fisher, Doc's driver.

"Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face evermore! Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth." -Psalm 105:4-5


  1. We just had primary last month. God over it's all . and carrying out his will . conservative and lose the race . singing in god we still trust . Even max was supported doc. Visiting afterward. Doing a great job to put the blogpost together . seek the lord and his strength seek his face everymore. Love you 💖 too lynn

  2. So glad to see y'all are still fighting the good fight of faith even when faced with temporary defeats. God prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies - Ps 23. And all things work together for good to them that love God. I'm sure y'all felt it worse than we did, since we didn't do half as much campaigning. Your dog, Max is so cute with his sticker and all! -Colleen Waltman
