Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Random Life with the Silveys!

Well, summer is almost gone! Which will be nice after the HOT temperatures we have been having.πŸ˜‘This last week we planted a fall crop of green beans and peas, which I sadly failed to capture with the phone. πŸ“ΈπŸ™ˆ But hopefully they will produce well and we'll have lots of homegrown green beans for this winter!  So anyway...sit back and enjoy this (very random) random life post!!
Mom, Sarah, and I went to town and ran a few errands one day.
Sarah has been keeping busy working on some t-shirt quilts she got an order for!
Tomatoes fresh from the garden!
Amanda went over to a friend's house one day and they had fun making cupcakes together for a Bible Bee meeting!
John and Asher (new employee of the Silvey Lawncare business) all smiles on a work day!
Jared and Jacob enjoying life at the sawmill! :)
The mower repair shop has taken off and it keeps Dad pretty busy.
Fellowship meal after church.
Some of us took a little walk on the trail by the church afterwards. :)
Never knew a spider could be so exciting to look at!πŸ˜‰
Sunday afternoon we watched a concert of one of our favorite quartets: The Inspirations!!
And yours truly working on a blogpost.😊 

"And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul?" -Deuteronomy 10:12


1 comment:

  1. I like your Silvey blogpost. Of the random life . That’s is a good picture . Grace you did a great job. Keep it up. Take care. and like getting the post. Love you too . Lynn
