Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!!


Merry Christmas from the Silvey family! We hope you have a blessed Christmas celebrating our Savior's birth.

"And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world."
1 John 4:14

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Happy Birthday Jared!

Jared turned 25 this week! We are so thankful for him and his part in our family. Jared has been keeping busy lately with his Ebay business and his job at a sawmill near us. He is a hard worker!
This was on Jared's birthday when he got home from work.  We had to get a picture of these three together because they were matching. :)
Happy birthday Jared!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Happy 1st Birthday Elizabeth!

One year ago today the most precious little girl entered the world! I think I can speak for the rest of the family in saying that it's been the most wonderful year being grandparents, uncles, and aunts to Elizabeth Joy. She does indeed bring joy into our lives!
Last Saturday we had a big one-year birthday celebration.  Elizabeth loved having all those people in her house! 
She wouldn't stop hugging the monkey we got her... it was so adorable!!
The cute cake that Amanda made!
After getting her picture with the cake Elizabeth enjoyed pulling poor Mr. Fox's ears off. :)
Singing happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Elizabeth! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Happy Birthday Dad!

We are very thankful for the leader of our family, and for the wonderful husband, dad, and granddad that he is!  Dad has instilled the love of God’s Word in all of his children, and taught us that it guides us in every issue of life. He leads by example and is not afraid to stand up for the truth. He faithfully preaches at our church every Sunday, and provides and cares for his family.  We love you, Dad!
Dad and Mom at a rally at the State Capitol. 
When Elizabeth came along, Dad stepped into the role of Granddad and has greatly enjoyed
Dad with a good friend visiting from Ukraine. 
Happy birthday, Dad!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Happy birthday to Jacob... he turns 21 today!  Jacob is very diligent in everything he does and he loves to hunt, fish, make and shoot bows, tan animal hides, and is just a regular outdoors-man.  Boats, bows, and whistles are just a few of the things he makes!
Jacob's very first deer. 
He has shot quite a few deer over the past couple of years... well as various other animals. :)
Trying out a boat that he made.  
He got a four-wheeler last year and that has been really helpful with his hunting.
Happy birthday Jacob!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sarah's (almost) Root Canal and What We Learned

                                                                                                                                        by Dana Silvey

Today Sarah was scheduled to have a root canal, but thankfully because some dear friends encouraged us to research root canals first, we decided to chose a different route - which turned out to be a better one for us. I want to share with you in a nutshell what we learned about root canals and I strongly encourage you to do your own research before ever considering a root canal.

A root canal treated tooth can lead to a number of chronic health problems and degenerative diseases.  If you get a root canal you may think you are saving your tooth, but actually you are killing it.  In a sense you kill the tooth to kill the pain.  A dead tooth in the body can become a source of chronic infection and toxicity.  Dentists are not able to remove all of the bacteria in an infected tooth and they just hope your immune system will take care of what they cannot get out.  Research shows that most root canals harbor harmful bacteria that can then cause a variety of health issues in the years to follow. You can read more about root canals here at Wellness Mama's Website.

In our research we learned about a group of dentists that treat your dental problems as part of your overall health and well-being, called Biological Dentists. Most dentists will care about their patient's health, but a Biological Dentist will avoid procedures that use toxic materials, like mercury fillings and fluoride, to treat your teeth.  We found a dentist about 1 hour and 20 minutes away, Dr. Clark of Amity Gentle Dental.  It was well worth the drive! You can go to Dr. Clark's Website and learn more about what he does. 

Sarah at Dr. Clark's office, before her tooth was pulled 😊.

Sarah had been in considerable pain as we awaited her scheduled root canal appointment.  We found out about Dr. Clark over the weekend and after much prayer we called first thing yesterday morning to see about getting her an appointment.   After spending time praying before Mark made the call, I just smiled when he told me she had an appointment at 2:30 because of a cancellation. I thought of one of my favorite sayings: God is Good all the time, all the time God is Good! Long story short, Sarah had her first tooth pulled and woke up this morning pain free! (Dr. Clark uses a technique for extractions that causes very minimal pain.) We will go back in about 3-4 months to get something to fill in the empty space she now has.

I encourage you to take a proactive approach in all of your health decisions and do the research to be totally informed!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Happy Birthday Grace!

Grace turns 14 today! She loves her niece, playing the piano, writing penpals, taking care of her chickens, and organizing Dutch Blitz games in the evenings (and winning them, too!).  Grace is quite a busy bee and she has taken over a lot of the cooking and laundry at our house.  Life would be boring without her!
I couldn't resist using some pictures of when she was younger. :) She had lots of energy (and still does!). 
Dad and Grace.
Grace donated her hair one time after it had gotten really long. 
She loves animals, and Boone and her have a special friendship. 
Grace is the best aunt!
Happy birthday Grace!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

July 4th Recap

On July 4th we enjoyed our annual holiday at the lake with Will and Brittany and some friends.  It was supposed to be thunderstorms that day so we thought our plans were going to change, but instead God blessed us with beautiful weather and we had a really fun day! 
Lizzy made this year so much fun!

We had lots of great food.
We really enjoyed having our friends, the Harbours, join us this year! 
 Our red, white, and blue themed desserts...
After lunch a group of us headed out in the kayaks for a long adventure. :)
Hannah and Amanda.
Jared, Grace, and I. 
Half way through we stopped at a dock and took a little break and some of us switched kayaks. 
 Elizabeth went on her first boat can't get much cuter than that! 
Just relaxing and visiting. 
Grace and I had fun baby-sitting Elizabeth while Will and Brittany went out on the lake. :)  
She was so close to crawling right there!
Most of us headed out on a couple mile walk through the woods. 
This little girl was conked out by the end of our walk. :)
We went and saw the Little Grand Canyon on the other side of the lake again. The guys went down and explored some. 
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork."