Sunday, March 6, 2022

Trusting God in ALL Things!

                                                                                                                                   ~ by Dana Silvey

This last week I saw a glimpse of how God is in control of everything that happens and directs our lives how they need to happen. This is just a simple story but it hit at a profound truth that we all need to think on, so I wanted to share it. 

On Friday, John was going to pick up some seed potatoes for us in Magnolia on his lunch break because Hope was completely out. Well, John forgot to go on his lunch break and ran by there before coming home that evening. By that time they were practically out of the Red Pontiac that we usually plant so he brought home 22 pounds of white potatoes. We really like planting the red so I did some calling and found another store in Magnolia that had some of the red. Now this meant a trip to Magnolia, 25 miles away, Saturday morning to get the potatoes before they sold out and with gas prices climbing the way they have been, I guess you could say I was a little frustrated that John had forgotten.  I was going to go early Saturday, but Mark decided we could just wait until Monday and let John pick some up when he went to work, but there was always the possibility they would sell out before then. Mark had to go over to the church Saturday morning to check on something and on his way home he had me call the farm store in Magnolia to see if they still had the red potatoes. He had a sense that he needed to go ahead and drive to Magnolia and pick up the potatoes since he was already out. They still had some red potatoes so he drove on to Magnolia. After getting the potatoes he stopped at another store and upon leaving that store the car started making a terrible noise so he pulled over and checked things out and discovered that the serpentine belt was tearing apart. Thankfully, Auto Zone had one in stock and after John drove to Magnolia with tools they got the new one put on. 

So I know by now you are wondering what the point of this story is. That afternoon we had a retirement dinner to go to, so if John had not forgotten to go on his lunch break to get potatoes, Mark would not have gone to Magnolia, and most likely we would have broken down on the hour and fifteen minute drive to the retirement dinner.

As I pondered those thoughts I realized that everything worked out according to God’s plans and we were saved a lot of headache from having to fix the car with everyone in it and possibly miss the retirement dinner for Mark’s cousin. And now we have both red and white potatoes to plant! 

I thought of a phrase in the movie, “Sergeant York", that says, “The Lord sure do move in mysterious ways." And that made me think of a neat hymn our family likes to sing: God Moves in a Mysterious Way

Here are the lyrics:

God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform

He plants His footsteps in the sea

And rides upon the storm

You fearful saints, fresh courage take

The clouds you so much dread

Are big with mercy and shall break

In blessings on your head

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense

But trust Him for His grace

Behind a frowning providence

He hides a smiling face

Blind unbelief is sure to err

And scan His work in vain

God is His own interpreter

And He will make it plain

When things seem to be going in the opposite direction you think they need to go, just remember that God may be protecting you from something you have no idea could happen. We can trust Him in all things!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”  - Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this story, Mrs. Silvey! It seems that lately I've seen so many examples of God answering prayers and working in His perfect ways...I'm reminded that our God is so BIG! That He is ABLE to do His will, and has our best interest in mind as His children!♥ Wow, the last verse of that hymn really resonates as it says, "blind unbelief is sure to err And scan His work in vain". And yet, I'm so very thankful that "God is His own interpreter, and He will make it plain"! Thank you so much for sharing!

    "Then Job answered the Lord and said: “I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You." Job 42:1-2
