Wednesday, March 30, 2022

March Recap

We started planting in our garden this month. This was our first time to plant at the new house!
We celebrated Sarah's birthday at Pap and Nana's house and had a nice family evening together! When candles are scarce, never fear, for chocolate chips are near. 😂
Enjoying dessert!
Opening presents.
One was slightly too big to wrap. ;)
First Spring100 picture this year with fellow Spring100ers at church on the opening day! 
Doc Washburn was speaking one night near us, so we, as well as a friend from church, went to go hear him.
We had alot of fun visiting with him!
Mom, Sarah, and I babysitted Elizabeth for Will and Brittany one day!
Aunt Sarah got her a stuffed doggie which she affectionally named Princess. :)

   "Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to 
           everlasting! Amen and amen." -Psalm 41:13

1 comment:

  1. Getting a good start for planting . in garden. At the new house. Sarah has a special birthday. At papa and nana house.Enjoy dessert .and opening presents. Babysitting Elizabeth for will and Brittany one day. For spring 100 pictures . these Year . with fellow spring 100er at church. Enjoy visiting doc washborn. We had fun visiting with him . have a bless evening love you ❤ too lynn
