Wednesday, March 30, 2022

March Recap

We started planting in our garden this month. This was our first time to plant at the new house!
We celebrated Sarah's birthday at Pap and Nana's house and had a nice family evening together! When candles are scarce, never fear, for chocolate chips are near. 😂
Enjoying dessert!
Opening presents.
One was slightly too big to wrap. ;)
First Spring100 picture this year with fellow Spring100ers at church on the opening day! 
Doc Washburn was speaking one night near us, so we, as well as a friend from church, went to go hear him.
We had alot of fun visiting with him!
Mom, Sarah, and I babysitted Elizabeth for Will and Brittany one day!
Aunt Sarah got her a stuffed doggie which she affectionally named Princess. :)

   "Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to 
           everlasting! Amen and amen." -Psalm 41:13

Monday, March 28, 2022

The Jonquil Festival

This month our family participated in the Jonquil Festival here in AR. We had a booth advertising for a town hall meeting we are doing about the vaccine mandates and some political races in Arkansas. We are having governor candidate Doc Washburn and State Senator Charles Beckham as speakers.
We had t-shirts for sale as well as some of our handcrafted items.
The pretty jonquils!!
Sarah's beautiful quilts and table runners!
We enjoyed providing some music for the event!
We were privileged to have Doc Washburn(left)
and Charles Beckham(right) join us one of the days! It was a great opportunity for them to meet and talk to people.

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." -Matthew 6:9-10

Friday, March 18, 2022

Happy Birthday Sarah!!

Well, today is very special because this is the day that Sarah turns #20! We see this as a very significant time of entering enter adulthood.  Since this birthday is monumental, I thought that I would share a few early pictures from Sarah's life!
Taking a walk down memory lane...
Sarah with cat Milo.
Lizzy adores Aunt Sarah!

Happy birthday, Sarah!!!

"Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised." -Proverbs 31:29-30

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Life Lately

Spring is almost here! This past month was busy as usual, but always full of God's blessing and care for us.  One exciting thing that happened recently was that our family had the opportunity to go to a Republican Tea Party where several candidates running for office in Arkansas this year were going to be speaking. 
On our way to the Tea Party!
Candidates running for governor(left) and Lt. governor(right). We were very excited to meet the candidate running for governor, Doc Washburn! For anyone who is interested, his website is:
We got SNOW!!!!!!!!! Crazy Arkansas weather...we wear short sleeves all during December(and even turn on the air conditioner Christmas Day!🙈) and get snow in March.😂
Some of us kids took a walk in the pasture behind us!
                                                Will and Brittany enjoying the snow!
A night of the Inspiration Quartet! ;)
Mom and us girls enjoyed having an outing with Aunt Lynn and some dear friends one day, which included eating at a wonderful restaurant and visiting some stores!
Sunday afternoon singing time at church.
A Sunday walk happens here each week, so here are a few pictures from this month. :)
Well, John couldn't be outdone by his brothers so now he owns a new ride! ;)

"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"  -Psalm 34:8