Sunday, August 22, 2021

Happy Birthday Grace!

Grace turns 15 TODAY!! I (Sarah) am excited to jump back on the blog and do a birthday post for her! Grace blesses us so much with her cooking, amazing piano skills, humor, and all her hard work+energy.  She definitely adds a sparkle to our life and we are so thankful for her!
Lizzy adores "Aunt Grace"!
Grace worked hard on the Spring100 walking challenge this year and completed 200 miles!
Enjoying time with friends
Happy birthday Grace! 

I think Grace started a fun tradition here on the blog with John's birthday.... so don't leave until you comment and wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 😉😁



  1. Happy birthday. Have a great day . Cute picture of you. Love you too . Lynn

    1. Thank you, Aunt Lynn!! I've had a great celebration! Love you! <3

  2. Well okay then! Happy birthday Kid!!🤭

    1. Danka, bro!(For anybody who is wondering what that means it is 'thank you' in German. ;)) Love 'well okay then'!!!!!!

  3. Hope you had a spectacular day, Grace! To use the only German phrase I know, "Gott sei mit euch bis aufs Wiedersehen!"

    1. Hannah!! First time to comment, right?! ;)
      Thanks, I did! Ha ha, I had never heard that phrase before so I had to look it up! :)

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Grace!! I hope you had a really special day, filled up with wonderful reminders of how much you're loved!!♥ May our heavenly Father richly bless and guide and delight you in this new year as you put Him first! Sending over a big birthday hug. :)
    With love,
    ~Martha Joy
    "The LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD will give grace and glory; NO GOOD THING will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You!" Psalm 84:11-12

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Martha Joy!!
