Monday, July 26, 2021

Random Life

I haven't done a 'random life' post in a bit so here are a few photos from our life recently!
Jared, Jacob, Sarah, and I enjoyed an evening walk together one night.
This boy doesn't ever stop working! He used the time we walked to work on a bow.😊
Some scenery from our walk...
Sarah and I enjoying an afternoon of some games!
And an update on the kitties(well, I guess they're more teenagers now!😉)...they're both growing up and are little balls of energy!😉😍
This stray dog showed up in our yard one day. He was really sweet but since we already have three dogs we decided that we didn't need a fourth one and found a good home for him. :)
Guess who cut their hair??😛I was able to donate about 11 inches!
Last week Amanda, Sarah, and I went to my grandparents house for a girl's night with Aunt Lynn. We enjoyed running errands, watching movies, eating watermelon pops, and just hanging out!
We found this WWII helmet at a flea market which was pretty cool!
We got our 2021 Spring100 shirts recently and went for a short walk in them!
We celebrated Pap's 81st birthday on Saturday.
Since they love spending time outside on the patio set we got Nana for her birthday, we decided to get Pap a porch swing!
He was pretty surprised. :)

"For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love you neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:13-14

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