Wednesday, July 7, 2021

July 4th recap

This year we had our annual Fourth of July celebration with Will and Brittany at White Oak Lake State Park. This was our sixth year of going to White Oak and we look forward to the years to come! Enjoy the recap of our marvelous 4th!😊

We ate a delicious lunch of hamburger, hotdogs, and chips! We also had our usual 4th of July themed desserts but...we failed to get a picture of them.😕😂
And...we're off on a kayak adventure!!!!!
Jacob started making this boat about two weeks before the 4th and got it finished just in time! He was actually able to go faster than some of us on the kayaks!😮😀
This year was windy and it was fun to bounce on the waves! ;)
Jared and I.
Amanda and Sarah snapping a selfie. :)
In this picture, John was trying to ram Jacob and Jacob was doing his best to get away! ;) We had quite a few ramming incidents while we were on the gotta have fun right?!😂
And...the island!! This year we found a landing spot and landed for a few minutes. There wasn't really much to see as it was all overgrown, but it was probably a once-in-a-lifetime experience to be on an island! ;)
Of course we had to get a group pic on the island. 😉
Will, Brittany, Lizzy, Dad, Mom, and Max(our dog) took the relaxing option of renting a motor boat. ;) They came out to meet us and made a wave for us that was fun paddling into!
We stopped off at the Little Grand Canyon before we headed back.
There's a crazy one in every group! ;)

John and I chose(rather I wanted to and dragged John along with me! 😂) to go a longer route back around the island. We took this picture at about the time our arms were realllllly tired.😬

Just chillin' afterwards.
Little Miss Cutie Pie!
Trying on Aunt Grace's shoes.
I guess Max knows how to get cool! ;)
  "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His                        handiwork." Psalm 19:1

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