Monday, July 26, 2021

Random Life

I haven't done a 'random life' post in a bit so here are a few photos from our life recently!
Jared, Jacob, Sarah, and I enjoyed an evening walk together one night.
This boy doesn't ever stop working! He used the time we walked to work on a bow.😊
Some scenery from our walk...
Sarah and I enjoying an afternoon of some games!
And an update on the kitties(well, I guess they're more teenagers now!😉)...they're both growing up and are little balls of energy!😉😍
This stray dog showed up in our yard one day. He was really sweet but since we already have three dogs we decided that we didn't need a fourth one and found a good home for him. :)
Guess who cut their hair??😛I was able to donate about 11 inches!
Last week Amanda, Sarah, and I went to my grandparents house for a girl's night with Aunt Lynn. We enjoyed running errands, watching movies, eating watermelon pops, and just hanging out!
We found this WWII helmet at a flea market which was pretty cool!
We got our 2021 Spring100 shirts recently and went for a short walk in them!
We celebrated Pap's 81st birthday on Saturday.
Since they love spending time outside on the patio set we got Nana for her birthday, we decided to get Pap a porch swing!
He was pretty surprised. :)

"For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love you neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:13-14

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Lizzy Visit!

Last week Mom and Amanda babysat Elizabeth for Will and Brittany. They had so much fun and I'm sure Lizzy did as well!😉 So I hope all the cuteness in this post makes your day brighter and brings a smile to your face!
She LOVES looking at photo albums!
Having lots of fun on the swing her daddy just built her!
Playing in her tent with Aunt Amanda. 
Gotta love these fun+adorable selfies! 

"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,the fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Bible Bee Meetings

This is our third year of participating in Bible Bee and it has really blessed and changed our life! This year's theme is on witness and we are studying the first part of the book of Acts. It has been exciting this year to have three other families participate in our group as well! We have had two meetings so far where we encourage one another, quote Scripture, play some fun games, and have a great time of fellowship. 
*the first meeting*
We started out with singing a few songs.
I, as well as several others, quoted a memory passage.
We played a 'Get to know each other better' game and that was pretty fun!
We played a game of putting the events of Acts in order. The boys team got the award of being the most accurate...
...and the girls team, not quite as accurate, got the award of being the fastest to put them together! ;)
Afterwards we had a great time of visiting!

*the second meeting*
We started out this meeting with singing In Christ Alone, and To Worship Work and Witness.
We had a time where two people would get together and say passages to each other.
We played a really fun game answering questions regarding what we had learned in our Discovery Journal the past few weeks.  This was the parent's team. 😁😉
Amanda did a great job keeping the littles occupied. :)

Game of 'Spoons' in action!

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and   Samaria, and to the end of the earth." -Acts 1:8