Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thanksgiving Weekend

On Thanksgiving we celebrated with all the Silvey uncles, aunts, and cousins at our Pap and Nana's house.  That morning before going over, our family had a sweet time of reflecting over the past year and giving thanks to God for all His many blessings, and we also shared things we were thankful for in our own life.  It was a wonderful way to start Thanksgiving Day!  Then we went over to Pap and Nana's, and enjoyed a weekend full of good food, conversations, and BABIES!!! :) There are two new babies in our family... Elizabeth, and our cousin's baby, Lily.  What better way to spend Thanksgiving than to stare at babies all day? :)    
Lily is such a happy baby! She was definitely the center of attention on Thursday. :)
One of the few pictures we got on Thursday was of the Rook game. The Silvey guys always have a late night Rook game at the holidays.  Jared and Uncle Mike are always on the same team, and they always win. This year was no exception!
Friday morning Will, Brittany, and Elizabeth arrived!
Aunt Grace...
Oh, how we love her smile!
Friday morning we had a baby shower for Lily and Elizabeth.  Amanda made such a cute cake!
Getting ready to eat a delicious brunch...
Visiting after the meal. :)
Mimi and Grandma holding their two granddaughters. 
Shower time!
Jacob's present was quite interesting!
Yes...a squirrel he had taxidermied. :) 
Will loved it! He said he was going to put a pink ribbon around it's neck and put it in Lizzy's nursery. Lol! 
Their little clothes are the cutest!
Elizabeth got pretty fuzzy at one point, and she wouldn't calm down until Grandad took her and begin walking her around. In a matter of minutes she was asleep... it was so sweet!
Two little cousins meeting for the first time. :)
It was pretty funny how Elizabeth was looking at Lily out of the corner of her eyes. Her expression was priceless!
Nana with Lily. 
Amanda did a little photo shoot and got some adorable family pics of Will, Brittany, and Elizabeth. 
Telling Grandad and Grandma goodnight Friday night.
A happy little girl Saturday morning! She just discovered her tongue and she loves to amuse us by playing with it. :) 
...and Aunt Lynn getting to hold Lizzy Saturday morning. :)
Tyler, Kayla, and Lily
Will, Brittany, and Elizabeth
 We were excited that Elizabeth got to spend a few more days at our house afterwards!
We hope your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

"It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High."
-Psalm 92:1

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits!"
-Psalm 68:19


  1. I think Lizzy looks pretty much like Will when he was a baby.

  2. Yes, we do see a lot of Will in her. And we also see Brittany in her too. She seems to be a good combination of them both. She sure is a cutie with all of her expressions!
