Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fall Recap

Hello everyone! October and November were full months for us, with a few of our activities being loving on the new grandbaby, the guys working, getting a new dog, and singing a few concerts. The weather turned cold very quickly, and now Thanksgiving is already past. (Be looking for a post on that soon!)  I am really looking forward to Christmas and celebrating Jesus' birth! So here are some random life pictures from the last two months...
A new coffee/tea/smoothie shop opened up in town and we have enjoyed making several trips there.  Mom and Amanda took Aunt Lynn on their first visit there.
Dad took Mom and us girls to a quilt show and the coffee shop one Friday.  We had lots of fun doing that together!
We got to vote on the quilt we liked the best, and this was the one Mom picked. 
Waiting at the coffee shop...
This little dog is a new addition to our household. His name is Max, and he is so cute and has a fun personality! The dog lovers of the family have greatly enjoyed having an inside dog. :)
Jacob has faithfully been hunting this season, and he got two deer the first day of gun season. Boone loves to hunt, and he helped him bring this one in. :)
Grace and Wowsers were the onlookers as the boys butchered the deer. :)

The highlight of October was getting to see this cutie for the first time since her birth!!  We girls were the only ones able to go that day, but we took plenty of pictures for the others to see. That's not an understatement, because Amanda took over 100 pictures! :)
It was so sweet... Elizabeth was wide awake when we got there, and she was so alert and would look at you and listen when you talked. 
This was on another visit to Will, Brittany, and Elizabeth... we had Will grab a family picture because we needed a promo picture for a singing appointment coming up.
And then we quickly moved on to more important stuff, like holding Elizabeth! ;)
Those faces!!!!

Dad and Mom are loving being grandparents!
She loves her daddy!
We enjoyed some fellowship and singing with these sweet friends one Sunday afternoon.
We normally wait until after Thanksgiving to put up Christmas decorations, but with Thanksgiving being so late this year, we decided to go ahead and put them up the week before. :) 
We had to have a little fun with Max, of course!
Jared turned 24 on November 19th!  We had fun celebrating his birthday, even though he had a long day at UPS which made for a late dinner.  

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
-Hebrews 4:12

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