Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Hello blog readers! Blessings to you in this new year! 

I have been a little silent on the blog for the past couple months, mainly because we've had some recent life changes that has made for a little busier life. But I hope to be more active in posting now, and look forward to sharing some updates with you! I'll start right now with recapping our family's Christmas/New Year celebrations.

Christmas Day we enjoyed a brunch of yummy food and a quiet afternoon with a dear friend, Ms. Barbara. 

We enjoyed a little bit of singing as well!
The day after Christmas we got together with all of Dad's family and had a really great visit! We played the annual Silvey Rook game, and surprisingly Jacob and Sarah's team broke Uncle Mike and Jared's record of winning each year. 😁
New Years game night!
A beautiful sunset to finish out 2023!


Will and Brittany and the kids visited for New Years, and we had our Christmas celebration with them then. Lots of sweet family time was had, and Lizzy and Jack kept all the aunt and uncles on their toes with their never-ending energy.😆
Dad read the Christmas story before we opened gifts. 
Jack was old enough this year to really appreciate the presents!
The Buffalo Plaid Guys!😁
Reading books with Aunt Sarah.
The uncles had quite the hilarious time entertaining Lizzy one night!😆
Codenames...again.😁 (If you have been following our blog recently, you should notice by now that we have a new favorite game.😉)


  1. Wonderful times at your house!


  2. Great time with will and Brittany Elizabeth Jack. Love 💕 you too Lynn
