Monday, October 16, 2023

September Recap

Jared, Mom, and Amanda took a trip to St. Louis to visit Ms. Eleanor, a dear family friend on Mom's side of the family. She did not have much longer to live, so Mom wanted to see her one last time. They had a really sweet visit, and good times with family!
Ms. Eleanor passed away on October 7th. She will be missed very dearly!
Some of the Hellwig cousins.
Jacob bought a house that he is going to turn into a rent house! There is some remodel work needing done, so he has been busy working on that.
Enjoying a walk with Aunt Lynn!
We're thankful for the produce that grew in our fall garden! The squash and zucchini were very abundant. The green beans did fairly well but were not as abundant as we had hoped, but we are thankful for what God provided.
Some friends gifted us a bunch of apples recently. We canned a bunch, and turned some into apple sauce. 😋

Some good progress was made on our new house recently! Friends from Kansas and Texas came and helped with the work and we were very thankful for all that we were able to accomplish!

"But the LORD is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth will tremble, and the nations will not be able to endure His indignation." 
-Jeremiah 10:10



  1. Wow, ya'll have had a some exciting projects going on!! Yummy produce, exciting house and building projects and sweet fellowship. :) I'm so sorry to hear of Ms. Eleanor's passing, but so thankful that some of you were able to go visit her.♥ I know that meant so much! I hope you're all having a blessed Fall season!

  2. Your house is really coming along! So sorry for the passing of your precious friend.


