Monday, June 5, 2023

Life Update

 Hello! It has been awhile since there's been a life update on the blog, so I put together some pictures of what we've been up to this year so far. It is a busy season for us right now with remodeling our new house, garden work, and other little things. I hope you enjoy the recap!

Farmers Market started up the first week of May!
The kitchen is kept busy with lots of baking the day before market!
Mom started making sourdough bread to sell this year.
Planting potatoes earlier this Spring.

Planting cabbage(unders Saunders supervision😁).
Jared bought a walk-behind tractor this year and that has been a big help in the garden.
It's green bean time again!
Some carpenter friends from Kansas came down at the end of March to help us with building the additions on our new house.
Mixing concrete for concrete footings.
We girls enjoyed watching the progress and taking a walk in the neighborhood!
This room will be the laundry room/sunroom.
We really enjoyed getting to visit with Mr. Keith and Keiton and are thankful for all their help on the house!
We celebrated Mom's birthday this month!

Mom has had a tradition of having some sort of strawberry dessert for her birthday so this year Sarah made her a strawberry pie.

Be looking for Life Update #2 coming soon!

"The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do no rest day or night, saying: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Who was and is and is to come!""
 -Revelation 4:8


  1. Your market table is so beautiful, as are all the baked goods!! Ya'll are doing amazing! Loved seeing your garden, exciting big house progress, and Mrs. Silvey's birthday photos! That strawberry pie looks delightful! ;)

    1. Thank you! We enjoy doing market and the boys enjoy it even more when we come home with leftover goodies.😉😁
      Thanks for taking time to read the blog and send your wonderful comments!😊
