Sunday, November 26, 2023

Happy Birthday Jared!

We celebrated Jared turning #28 last week!🎉 Jared is our entrepreneur, in-house financial advisor and political commentator, bass singer, and pie eater. 😋 We are so thankful for all that he adds to our family and for his passion for the Lord and what is right. 
Happy birthday!!!!


"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him. The LORD is their strength, and He is the saving refuge of His anointed." -Psalm 28:7,8

Monday, October 16, 2023

September Recap

Jared, Mom, and Amanda took a trip to St. Louis to visit Ms. Eleanor, a dear family friend on Mom's side of the family. She did not have much longer to live, so Mom wanted to see her one last time. They had a really sweet visit, and good times with family!
Ms. Eleanor passed away on October 7th. She will be missed very dearly!
Some of the Hellwig cousins.
Jacob bought a house that he is going to turn into a rent house! There is some remodel work needing done, so he has been busy working on that.
Enjoying a walk with Aunt Lynn!
We're thankful for the produce that grew in our fall garden! The squash and zucchini were very abundant. The green beans did fairly well but were not as abundant as we had hoped, but we are thankful for what God provided.
Some friends gifted us a bunch of apples recently. We canned a bunch, and turned some into apple sauce. 😋

Some good progress was made on our new house recently! Friends from Kansas and Texas came and helped with the work and we were very thankful for all that we were able to accomplish!

"But the LORD is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth will tremble, and the nations will not be able to endure His indignation." 
-Jeremiah 10:10


Thursday, October 5, 2023

Random Life from June to August

June was the month of concerts with three within two weeks of each other! Two of the concerts were actually on the same night, so we had two different vehicles going to their favorite of the two performing groups.😉 Jared, Sarah, and I chose to go see the Inspiration Quartet.
We were excited to have our friend Jonathan join us!
Jared and Sarah talked beforehand to the piano player of the group and requested a couple songs.
We were thrilled to get to meet/hear them for the first time in person!
While we were there, the rest of the family went to hear the Mark Trammell Quartet!
With Trevor Conkle, the piano player.
A week later, the whole family attended another Inspirations concert in Conway, AR.
Enjoying our new Inspiration t-shirts. 😊
Our family was asked to sing at a church at the end of July, and this was one of the many practices getting ready for that!
Harvest Grove Baptist Church.
John and Amanda went on a trip to Kansas to visit several friends, and made a stop in Missouri at Will and Brittany's house on the way back!
Mr. Jack is getting so big! ❤

Will was working at the fire station that day, so they were able to swing by there and visit with him for a few minutes!

"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because He trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength." -Isaiah 26:3,4

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Happy Birthday Dad!

It was birthday time again for us last week as we celebrated another year of Dad's life! Dad is blessed to be called husband, father, and grandad among many other things, and we couldn't be more grateful for him and all that he does for us!
Opening gifts on his birthday celebration night. 
Happy Birthday Dad! We love you!

"My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth." -Psalm 57:7,11 

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Happy birthday to King David's mighty man, who killed a lion in the midst of a pit on a snowy day...  Oh wait, this is Jacob's birthday! 😉 But, we are talking about the same kind of courage, strength, integrity, and love for the Lord that those men of old had. Jacob has a passion for the outdoors and has really excelled in his archery, hunting, and taxidermy skills this year!
One of his amazing trick shots!
This is Jacob's new hunting dog in training! He got Bear in April, and he is a very fast learner and can already follow blood trails and obey numerous commands. 
Taking Boone to help him track down a kill.
Taxidermy project of the buck he shot.
Jacob and his little nephew, Jack.
Dad praying a blessing for Jacob on his birthday.

Happy 24th birthday!!!!

"This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face." 
-Psalm 24:6