Monday, August 22, 2022

Happy Birthday Grace!

Grace starts out our busy August birthday week with turning 16 today!! Grace is our WWII/B17 airplane enthusiast, Southern Gospel piano player, cat lover, cinnamon roll maker, bookworm, "Kid" sister. We are so thankful for her, and for all of the spunk, excitement, and laughter that she brings to our family. 😊 Here are a few pictures of things she has been up to this year:
Grace completed the Spring100 walking challenge with the rest of us this year. 

Grace and Aunt Lynn with their new Spring100 shirts. 

The girls found a kitten at the church this summer, and she worked her way into our hearts with her cute little ways. Liz has been the first inside cat that we've had in years. 

Playing games in the evening is one of Grace's favorite things to do. Here we are playing the All American Trivia Game!


Grace has made a lot of cinnamon rolls to sell at our local farmer's market, and they have become quite popular.

Our family helped with a campaign for the governor's race in our state earlier this year, and Grace enjoyed being a part of that. 

Helping gubernatorial candidate Doc Washburn get set up for a Zoom meeting.

Grace loves being "Aunt Grace" to Lizzy Joy! Everyone knows that she is one of the favorite"fun" aunts. 😁

Grace has started coordinating songs for us siblings to sing at our church from time to time.

At a Mark Trammell Quartet concert.

Chillin' in a kayak during our yearly Fourth of July day at the lake. 

This is Grace's fourth year to participate in the National Bible Bee. She completed the eight week summer study and took the Nationals test and placed 34th out of 120. 

Grace reading to a friend during a Bible Bee get together.
Sister selfie just before taking her Bible Bee test



"I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel;
My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.

I have set the Lord always before me;

Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

"You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasure forevermore." 
-Psalm 16:7-8, 11


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE!🤗🎉 I love all the pictures! Hope you have a blessed and special day.💜

  2. Happy birthday to you have a wonderful day. Great picture . I will blessed the lord at all time sitting at the right hand I shall not move. Your presence is fullness of joy. Love you too Lynn

    1. Thank you Aunt Lynn! Love you!

  3. Happy Birthday Grace!
    -Joleen & Colleen Waltman

  4. Happy Birthday, Grace!!! I hope you've had a very special day today, filled up with reminders of how much you're loved! Keep looking unto Jesus in this new year, and may our Father richly bless and guide you in His way for you!♥ Sending you a big birthday hug!

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes and your sweet words, Martha Joy! :)

  5. Happy birthday kid..........but I guess that's a little late now.....🤣😂

    1. Thanks bro!!!!! This may have been the only time you left out *dare I say it* *grimaces* 'sweet sixteen'. ;)
