Friday, January 21, 2022

Christmas Recap

Here is a recap of our Christmas celebrations! 
Having our family worship time before presents.
She was cracking herself up over a "phone conversation"!😂
Max enjoying a new bed!
Having fun with the uncles!
We went to Pap and Nana's house and spent a couple days with the extended family.
Reading the Christmas story.
The annual White Elephant gift exchange!
Lizzy enjoyed seeing her cousin Lily again and playing with her. :)
Were you aware two-year olds liked to play chess??😆
Little Miss Copy Cat.😁
The annual Rook game! (In which Jared and Uncle Mike were the annual winners.😉)
The week of Christmas we went caroling to several friends.
Merry Christmas!

"And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS,      for He will save His people from their sins." -Matthew 1:21



  1. Looks like your family had a wonderful Christmas. May the Lord bless you greatly in the new year.

