Monday, December 6, 2021

Trip Part 2

Here is Part 2 of our trip in October! On Saturday, after visiting with Grandpa and Grandma for a few days, we headed out from St. Louis to visit a family in Tennessee.  Sarah and I have been penpals with two of their girls for a few years, but have never met so we were excited to get to meet them finally! Since it was a 9 hour drive, we stopped at a halfway point in Kentucky for the night and went the rest of the way Sunday morning.
There were some really pretty sights in TN!
We stopped at the original spot where Daniel Boone built his fort in Kentucky, but due to flooding they were shut down.
On the way to Tennessee!
The girls had no idea that we were coming so we were able to pull off a very fun surprise!
We girls had fun singing and playing together for a little bit.
On Monday afternoon we went and visited a family from their church who lived in Virginia.
They had all kinds of animals, and we enjoyed touring their farm.
The Silvey and Fitzgerald families. 

"I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved." -Psalm 16:8

1 comment:

  1. Yay, trip part 2!! :) What a gorgeous TN countryside photo!! It's so amazing to see the vast creativity of our Creator, and His beautiful handiwork! Awwwww, it looks like ya'll had SUCH a special time with the Fitzgeralds!! Such a special surprise!!! I really like the last picture of both families!
