Friday, November 5, 2021

Random Life

Happy November! So...I know I said Part 2 of the trip was coming next, but! I just wanted to do a post of what has been going on in our life lately!😊
Our fall crop of green beans have done amazingly well this year. Our first picking was almost 10 bushels!!

While the humans worked...
...the animals slept!😆
Snapping the beans!
God has really blessed us with this bumper crop of green beans and we are so thankful!
Will, Brittany, and Lizzy came for a visit recently!
Baking with Grandma.😍
She waited at the window for about 15 minutes, looking for Grandad to get home from work.💙😁
Elizabeth got to open some belated birthday gifts. :) She got so excited when she heard she had more presents!😉
Jared, Sarah, Jonathan and Hannah Harbour, and I had fun traveling to a Gospel Music Hymn Sing a couple hours away! 
It was nice to get to hear some of our favorite groups again!
Our family recently went to a concert of one of our favorite Southern Gospel quartets, and it was so great to hear them again! 
Afterwards we got to eat at Taco Bell!
On a walk with Aunt Lynn. 😊

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever!" Psalm 118:18


  1. Great picture. Of y’all grace is doing a terrific job on the blogpost. How god can use you . In a mighty way . Keep up the good work . Sing to the lord a new song . Praise to his name . Forever. Take care . Love you so much. Lynn

  2. WOW, praise the Lord for that amazing, abundant harvest of green beans!!!!! So exciting! It looks like you've had a lovely Fall season and such sweet times together! Oh, and those Southern Gospel sings sound so fun! I haven't been to one of those in awhile...

    Hope you're having a blessed week! Thank you for all your posts, Grace!

    1. Thank you Martha Joy! I enjoy putting the posts together! :)
