Monday, November 6, 2017


 We harvested our fall garden this month and we were blessed with the produce from that.
Our sweet potatoes did really well!

 We grew purple sweet potatoes this year and Mom made a sweet potato pie out of them for the first time. It tasted practically the same as the orange, but some of us just couldn't get past the color!  
      One day we decided to decrease our rooster population and we had a butchering day.  Mom and Jared were the chief butchers and John and Jacob aided them by doing the killing part. The rest of us just looked on. 😊

Freshly picked green beans. 

Filing up our shelves with canned green beans for this winter!

John and Jared hauling wood up to the house in Jared's truck to stack it in the carport. 

Had a fun shopping day in Texarkana with Jared and Amanda!!

We got to sing at a Pastor Appreciation Cookout last month and we really enjoyed doing that!
Here we are doing a sound check before the concert.

Happy Fall!!


  1. Looks like you had some Major help with the firewood.
