Thursday, November 20, 2014

Summer in Pictures

posted by Amanda Silvey

This past summer we stayed busy with our garden. We were blessed with a good harvest and twice a week we were able to take some of our produce to the farmers market.  We went to two different markets each week, which made our schedule kind of hectic, but we really enjoyed it and are looking forward to next year.

Tuesday at the Hope Farmers Market


The boys had their own gardens this summer.  
Jared grew some mini romaine and also some orange and yellow carrots.

Yellow Carrots!

Jacob's turnips

Kale chips! We loved making this tasty snack (and eating it too J). There are so many ways you can fix kale; you can eat it raw in a salad, cook it like other greens, put it in a stir fry with some squash, or even make a smoothie out of it. 


Heirloom Tomatoes

Our olives came off about mid to late August.  We figured out that they are not a true olive, but a variety of a sweet olive.  They are great to snack on and taste just like a little green apple.

Zucchini Bread

Handmade items from the Silvey Farm: John Deere aprons, clothes pin bags, and laundry bags.

Grace liked to handle the money for Dad and Mom =)

Bluegrass pickin'.  Lots of fun!

Old Washington State Park is a neat historic town dated back to the Civil War.
Every Saturday they had a farmers market, and we really enjoyed coming out here.   

Fourth of July

Vine Peach Melon  
These little melons grow and look just like cantaloupe.  They don't taste very good by themselves, but they are great in cobblers!

Purple Hull and Crowder Hull Pea Jelly
This is made by boiling the hulls and then using the juice to make the jelly.  The purple hull has a light grape flavor and the crowder kind of has a peach or apricot flavor.

Hangin' out

Touring the town

It's always fun to take a walk and see the park's biggest Magnolia tree.

Streeeetch...... =)

Come out and see us next year!

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