Friday, May 16, 2014

The Blessing of a Praying Mother

Posted by Dana Silvey
It was a blessing to celebrate Mother's Day this past Sunday.  Mark taught on Hannah's prayer from I Samuel during our teaching time at church.  Hannah prayed a prayer and it was fulfilled in a very specific way in the life of her son.  This prayer renewed in me my privilege as a mother to pray for my children.  

A verse that I have used in praying for my children is from Colossians 1:9-11.  I pray that they would:   
be filled with the knowledge of His (God’s) will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that they would walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

I pray this also for my husband as he leads our family.  Praying God’s word back to Him is very powerful.  I want to encourage all mothers to be praying daily for their children.  You can also pray for the future spouses of your children.  Let’s be praying mothers and grandmothers! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sarah's 12th Birthday

We are a little late in getting this post out, but Sarah celebrated her 12th birthday on March 18.  At age 12 we begin the specific time of training for becoming a young lady or young man.  We will focus on the Bible's call for a young lady to be one who fears the Lord and follows Jesus, values God's plan of being a wife and mother, serves in and through the home, and practices modest dress and character.  

For her birthday dinner Sarah chose Homemade Hamburger Helper with all the fixins. 

When our girls turn 12 years old, Mark presents them with a ring to mark this time in their training.  Sarah's ring had a heart with her birthstone in the middle to picture her devoting her heart to God's ways as a young lady.    

Mark said a prayer of blessing for Sarah that she would follow God's ways in her life in the days ahead.

Opening presents!  This is a doll dress that Grace made for Sarah's doll.

An apron made by Mom.

Amanda made Sarah's cake.

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the LORD ,
She shall be praised. "
Proverbs 31:30