Monday, January 23, 2023

December Christmas Events

 December was a busy month for us with different Christmas events going on. We are grateful for the opportunities God gave us to share the good news of Jesus's birth and salvation with people. Here's a recap of our Live Nativities and Christmas concert!

Getting things set up.

Backstage photo!
Mr. Ford read the Christmas story for us again this year.
The shepherd(Dad) shared about Jesus being the Lamb who came to take away our sin.
The second night we got rained out, so we had to move inside.
December 16th we had the annual Christmas concert at our church. 
Making the luminary bags.
We were grateful for the Reynold kids helping us out!
Sound check!
It was a wonderful night of enjoying the Christmas music and visiting with friends!
Mike Powell and his grandson, James Tyson.
Aunt Lynn sang a beautiful version of 'Oh, Holy Night'.
Group pictures!

If you are interested in watching any of the events, they are on our family YouTube channel: Mark Silvey Family

"He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters, at the boundary of light and darkness. The pillars of heaven tremble, and are astonished at His rebuke. He stirs up the sea with His power, and by His understanding He breaks up the storm. Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways; and how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?" -Job 26:10-12,14

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Happy Birthday Amanda!


Amanda celebrates her 29th birthday this year!🎂 Some of Amanda's biggest highlights from this past year were becoming an aunt again, going on a sibling Branson trip, meeting two penpals in person, and being involved in some political campaigns in our state. 
"Aunt Amanda" with Jack Ryan. 
Branson, MO

With pen-pal Amanda at a beach in Houston. They met through a Christian girl's magazine, and have been corresponding for six years.
On a Spring100 walk with new pen-pal + fellow Spring100er, Colleen and some of her family.
On the campaign trail. 
At a campaign event with gubernatorial candidate Doc Washburn.
Campaigning with State Senator Charles Beckham and Doc Washburn.
One of Amanda's favorite things to do is go to the symphony. She got to go this year with some friends.  

Amanda had a piano recital this spring for her two piano students. 
We kids have stepped up and started doing more singing together, and we couldn't do it without Amanda's vocals and mandolin playing skills!

With a little friend at church.

We are all so thankful for Amanda and her many talents that help keep our family going. 
Amanda, we are looking forward to what God has in store for you during this 29th year of your life!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5, 6

Monday, January 2, 2023

Christmas Recap

We had a very special Christmas celebrating Jesus' birth with family. Will, Brittany, and the kids stayed a couple days with us and there was lots of laughter, fun, and special family time!
Mom making the donuts for our Christmas brunch Monday morning.
We sang a song and read the story of the wise men before opening presents.
Lizzy got us off to a grand start!
Jack was asleep during the time we opened presents, but he woke up shortly after and got to open his up(or rather, big sister did😉)
Jack gave us a bunch of his sweet smiles!
Lizzy kept all the aunts and uncles busy with all sorts of games.😁
It is hard for Jack NOT to smile when his daddy is around.❤
Family pictures Christmas Day.

"And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh." -Matthew 2:11