Monday, June 21, 2021


Hi there, this is Grace! I have kinda taken over the blog now so I hope you enjoy all the posts to come!
Here is a recap of what has been happening in our life recently. From two big birthday celebrations, market starting, the mowing picking up, Dad's new mower repair shop taking off, and getting two adorable kittens, we have been pretty busy! :) Enjoy this peek into our life! 
On April 30th Nana turned 80 years old! Nana has a gentle, quiet, and meek spirit. She has a great love for all her children, grandchildren, and now her two great granddaughters. There is a sign above her pantry door that sums up Nana in three words: "Nana means love."
She got a patio set and they have really been enjoying it!
The cutie pie! <3
Having fun with the uncles!
Criss cross apple sauce with Aunt Amanda!
She had the best time walking our dog, Max.
I love every moment I get to spend with my niece. ❤ I had found her tickle spot in this picture.

Our second big birthday celebration was Aunt Lynn's 50th! There is always a joy that radiates from her face. She loves all of her nephews and nieces and is always very encouraging in all that they do. She especially loves her two great nieces, Lily and Elizabeth. Aunt Lynn's life is a blessing to everyone she meets and her beautiful voice touches all who hear it.
Amanda is a fabulous cake decorator! Isn't it SO pretty?!
Lizzy loves her Aunt Lynn! <3
Jared and Aunt Jackie visiting.
This picture...❤
We had a delicious lunch of sandwiches, chips, fruit, and dessert, of course! ;)
Opening presents!

The sweet family of three! <3
Lizzy was very entertaining at the party!
She absolutely LOVED playing with some balloons that were there!

It looks like both Grandma and Lizzy are having lots of fun!
 Uncle Jacob's big helper!❤
Happy birthday, Aunt Lynn! 
Market started in May, and we have enjoyed doing that again! This is our normal crew every Tuesday. 
Farm fresh eggs!
Fresh mint!
Sarah does a great job making zucchini bread!
 Yum yum! Most of the bake goods sell out, which is always disappointing to the boys. ;)  
We got two kittens in May! It is so exciting to have two little adorable purring things on our porch now! ;) The orange one is named Kirby and belongs to Sarah, and the black and white one is Saunders and is my cat. We named them after two soldiers in our favorite WWII series. :)
Best buds! <3 
Kirby loved sleeping in this pot for little bit...even though it was a tad small for him! :)
We have enjoyed doing Spring100 again this year, an exercise challenge where you walk/run 100 miles in the Spring. We were excited to have the boys join this year as well!
Sarah and Amanda getting their miles in even in the rain.☺
We usually take Sunday afternoon walks and always have a great time! 

"I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only."

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day!

We are so thankful for Dad and for all that he does in our family. Happy father's day, Dad! We love you!

Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who delights greatly in His                       commandments." -Psalm 112:1