Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Happy 1st Birthday Elizabeth!

One year ago today the most precious little girl entered the world! I think I can speak for the rest of the family in saying that it's been the most wonderful year being grandparents, uncles, and aunts to Elizabeth Joy. She does indeed bring joy into our lives!
Last Saturday we had a big one-year birthday celebration.  Elizabeth loved having all those people in her house! 
She wouldn't stop hugging the monkey we got her... it was so adorable!!
The cute cake that Amanda made!
After getting her picture with the cake Elizabeth enjoyed pulling poor Mr. Fox's ears off. :)
Singing happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Elizabeth! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Happy Birthday Dad!

We are very thankful for the leader of our family, and for the wonderful husband, dad, and granddad that he is!  Dad has instilled the love of God’s Word in all of his children, and taught us that it guides us in every issue of life. He leads by example and is not afraid to stand up for the truth. He faithfully preaches at our church every Sunday, and provides and cares for his family.  We love you, Dad!
Dad and Mom at a rally at the State Capitol. 
When Elizabeth came along, Dad stepped into the role of Granddad and has greatly enjoyed
Dad with a good friend visiting from Ukraine. 
Happy birthday, Dad!!