Friday, September 13, 2019

Jacob's Graduation

At the end of August we celebrated Jacob 20th birthday as he graduated into manhood. It was a special weekend celebrating with family and friends!
For everybody's 20th birthday we go to the William's Tavern Restaurant with family. 
Jacob Graham and Lance Graham (Grandpa Hellwig).
After dinner we had a special time of sharing about Jacob's life and giving encouragement. 
Have you ever seen a more cuter THREE?!
 The grandfathers shared some encouraging advice with Jacob...
Presents! He received a scrapbook of his life...
 ...a camo quilt...
 ...and a hand-forged axe.
(Can you tell the one he's most excited about? =) )
Grandpa's present was a locked strong box. He gave Jacob a twenty-dollar bill and told him he could have the key if he gave him the $20 back, or he could keep the $20 and give him back the box. :)
Jacob did not hesitate to hand the $20 back for the key! It was quite funny....and he was glad that he went with the box once he opened it!
The next day we had Jacob's Manhood Ceremony at our church (Mount Olive Baptist Church).
Jacob shared some things from Proverbs 3:1-10
A prayer of blessing from Dad and the grandfathers.
All the men signing the Manhood Pledge.
Afterwards we had a reception at the Willisville Community Center.

We displayed Jacob's presents he got the night before and also some of his taxidermy projects.
Visiting with family and friends.
 Pap, Nana, and Aunt Lynn
Grandpa and Grandma.
Jacob Silvey - Summer 2019

August Birthdays

August was our birthday month... one at the start of the month, and then later on THREE in one week!
Happy belated Birthday to John, Grace, Will, and Jacob!
John - #22
August 1,1997
Grace - #13
August 22,2006
Will - #27
August 24,1992
Jacob - #20
August 26,1999

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Spring to Summer Recap

Well finally - here's the post you were supposed to have seen MONTHS ago.... Ahem, maybe you will forget that little detail and just enjoy this random life update. :)
May started off with Mom's birthday, and to celebrate that we went over to Will and Brittany's. 
Mom opening her presents.
We went to El Dorado's Arboretum and enjoyed the walk through the trees. 
Grace trying to walk across a slippery log. :)
We managed to get a family picture by propping up Amanda's phone with a stick!
We can never get a decent picture with these two boys! :)
A big family selfie!
Then we went back to W&B's house and enjoyed dinner and a fun evening!
"Her children rise up and call her blessed, Her husband also and he praises her." - Prov. 31:28
May also found us in the thick of gardening and getting ready for Farmer's Market.

Right before our first market we decided to re-vamp the table set-up and decorations. Amanda did a great job at painting our signs!
The finished product. 
Jacob also working on the new table set-up. 
Grace's brownies have become quite famous at market! They are missed if she doesn't make them every week. 
Mom makes lots of jelly to sell.
                                           Picking the garden for the first day of market.
                                         Getting everything washed and put into coolers.
The first day of market!
Family pictures on Resurrection Sunday.
Will, Brittany, and Baby. :)
One of the many baby bump photoshoots!
Celebrating Fathers's Day at Pap and Nana's. 
On July 4th we went to White Oak Lake for the day, as has been our tradition for the past 3 years.

We love kayaking!

This summer, Grace and I (Sarah), participated in the Bible Bee. That was a wonderful experience of studying and memorizing God's Word. We enjoyed getting together with other Bible Bee families throughout the summer to fellowship and play review games, etc..
Reciting our Scripture passages.
And...some more Farmer's Market pictures from later on in the season. 
Amanda and Mom.
It has been so nice having a new pavilion for market! It makes it a whole lot easier not having to set up tents.

"Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You."
-Psalm 63:3