Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Jan/Feb/March Recap

Here's a recap of our life the past couple of months!  We have managed to stay pretty busy and are thankful we didn’t get sick for a couple of months like last winter.  

Jacob discovered what he thinks to be some Indian graves so the girls (and George!) went out in the field to see them.
Amanda taking a neighbor to town.
Making a quick run over to Miracle Farms to buy some sausage and eggs. 
One Saturday, we kids decided to go exploring out in the field.  It sure was cold but we had fun.
Jacob with his long bow he made.
Boone was very happy that we came exploring with him. :)
Amanda and Grace making pizza together.
Jacob shot his first deer in January!  
 Jacob and Mom processing his deer.  We were very thankful for all the good meat.
Grace and I ground up 12 pounds of the deer meat. 
Jacob tanning his deer hide.  This boy is a regular Dan'l Boone!
In February, a carpenter friend and his son came and helped us build an addition on our trailer.  It was exciting to see the first wall go up.
Mr. Keith and Jacob.
The guys worked hard all week and got a lot accomplished.  
Jared worked hard getting the insulation and walls put up so he could get to his favorite part... the painting. :)
The animals seem to think that we built the addition for them. :)   
John doing some repair work on his new stand-on mower.
The garden work has begun! Mom and her garden crew got a lot planted this particular afternoon. 

"This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24