Thursday, September 13, 2018

Our Adventure of Changing a Trailer into a Home

(I know a lot of time has gone by since I last posted here 😐, so here's the first post of a lot of catch-up :)  

Life changed a lot for us at the start of March when Dad sat us all down and told us we had to be out of our rent house in two months.  It was quite unexpected and I was sad to have to leave our home of six years so suddenly.  But God was so good and provided a place for us to move to within a week!  We had tried to buy this property awhile back, but someone else wound up getting it. The original owner still had a trailer house on the property, which we bought, and the owner of the land is going to let us live there for three years in exchange for Dad doing some work for him.
The trailer needed a lot of work done to it, so we cleaned, replaced floors, painted every wall, and put in floors and carpet. It was amazing to see what some good hard work will do to a place!

The trailer was just a half a mile from our old house, which was very convenient when going back and forth between them several times a day.
The kitchen - before we had done anything to it.
Boy's bedroom #1...
...and boy's bedroom #2.
The view out of the front door.
Jared painting the living room.

This is a pretty buffet spot in the kitchen
(though it is currently being used for Dad's desk area).

Grace and yours truly tearing wallpaper off in one of the bathrooms.
It's starting to look a little better!
John putting down the floor in the living room

Painting the kitchen.

The boy's bedrooms finished.
John and Jared digging the hole for the septic tank.  John nicknamed the septic "Goliath" because it was nine feet long. 😀
A late night selfie!
Our long driveway.
April 30 was moving day! The Reynolds, a family from church, came and helped us.  We couldn't have done it without them!
Doing some last minute packing.
The guys spent all day loading things up and taking it down to the trailer.
                                                                                                 It was weird seeing the house become empty.
Taking a load over.

Yes...let's just say it took us a while to get unpacked.😊
Home Sweet Home!