Friday, January 19, 2018


We kids were very excited when we woke up Tuesday morning and there was a couple of inches of snow on the ground!!   We wasted no time getting outside and had lots of fun being out in the snow!

Amanda got some beautiful pictures of the scenery!
Just running round and happy that there is snow.
Snowball fight!!
Tigger wasn't  thrilled about the snow and how cold it was, so he stayed wrapped in a cozy blanket!
We had fun giving/getting sled rides!
Me and 'Lucas Boy'. 
This was his first time to experience snow and he had the time of his life playing in it!
Jacob in his coon skin hat, looking a little like Daniel Boone. 😊
And of course we had to make a snowman, even though he was just a little thing!!  We would've made a huge one, but the snow was powdery and it wouldn't pack together.    
 Snow ice cream.  Yum yum!
Grace and I took a break from the outside and we enjoyed drinking hot chocolate as we warmed up!
Later, we went back out, and we discovered that Lucas LOVES being pulled around on the sled!  He would get on the sled and just stand there until someone started pulling him. 😆

John gave everybody a ride.
Tackle Jacob!  
Lucas had more fun than we did in the snow!  He liked running around with everybody.