Thursday, August 31, 2017

John's Graduation

The first week of August we celebrated John's 20th birthday and him graduating into manhood.

 Friday night we had dinner at William's Tavern in Historic Washington State Park with family.  We had wonderful fried chicken, new potatoes, green beans, and apple cobbler!

 Singing "Happy Birthday"

 After dinner we had a time of the parents and grandparents sharing Scriptures with John and any memories that they had of him.  There were some very funny stories told about when he was growing up!  

Grandma telling the funny story of when she gave John a spanking.

  Dad praying over John.

 Opening presents!  The quilt that Mom made him was the Tennessee Star pattern, as John was born in Tennessee.  

 The scrapbook Mom put together of John's life.

 John's first G-shock watch.

 Laughing over some pictures in the scrapbook of John's crazy side.

 The next day we had John's Manhood Ceremony at our church, Mount Olive Baptist.

 Will, Amanda, John, and Jared sang "Rock of Ages, Keep My Soul"

Our family sang "God's Word Will Stand"

John shared thoughts from Psalm 119:1-8

 Signing the Manhood Pledge

The grandfathers prayed a special prayer of blessing over John.

 Afterwards we had a reception at the Willisville Community Center where we enjoyed lots of good food, cake, and ice cream. 

Grace and Brittany did a good job serving the drinks.

As always, Amanda made a wonderful cake!

 We had John's quilt and scrapbook laid out for people to look at. 

 Pap, Nana, and Aunt Lynn.

 Grandpa and Grandma Hellwig. 

 It was nice to get to see Uncle David, Aunt Kerri, and all their kids.


   ( Please excuse the lateness of this post!  We've been so busy that time slipped away from me )  

For July 4th, we spent the day out at White Oak Lake State Park with Will and Brittany.  We had loads of fun and will definitely be back.  The scenery is just gorgeous!

Jacob, getting ready to test out his boat that he made. 

Yay!  It doesn't have any leaks in it!


 And of course, everybody had to test it out!  We all had a blast taking turns in it!

 Playing a game of washers before lunch. 

           Mom grilling chicken.  
She fixed a wonderful meal for us and if anyone went hungry that was their own fault! 

The fabulous dessert Amanda fixed for us!


John and Jared had fun doing the bike trail.

We went out in a motor boat and got to see some pretty sights! 

Grace getting to drive the boat for a little bit. 

Just relaxing...😊

 and more eating, too!
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork."
Psalm 19:1 


Introducing the newest member of our family..............Lucas!!

At the end of July we got this cute little puppy from some friends of ours
 as a playmate for Major, and we named him (after much discussion 
and many names later), Lucas!  We have been watching The Rifleman series,
so we named him after Lucas McCain!

         Lucas is part Great Pyrenees/Pitbull.  He has fit right into the family and we all love him! 

Come back next month for more from the Silvey Family Farm!!