Wednesday, July 5, 2017

June Happinings

                                                                                                                               by Sarah Silvey

Summer is a really busy time for us with the garden, Farmers Market, and Dad's mowing business!  We know its been a while since we last posted anything, so we decided to let you see what happened with us this past month!

At the beginning of the month we were honored to be at Will's pinning ceremony at the El Dorado Fire Department.  Will got pinned for earning his paramedic license.   

Green bean picking time!   June is our big month for green beans, and God really blessed us with a good harvest this year!  The horse manure we put on them also helped tremendously.  We got twenty bushels off of one picking! 

Jared and Grace dumping their buckets 

The amount is growing!

The final picture with the pickers and all twenty bushels! (some of those smiles are forced! Who wants to smile when you've just been picking green beans for three hours?)

While summer is a busy time for us, others enjoy lazing around😊


Family picture!

We got to sing at Old Washington at their Music in the Park!  Their theme this year was 'Music from our Roots', so we got to sing a lot of the old hymns, which was fun.  We also enjoyed getting to hear our friends, the McWilliams family, sing after us!

Jared, Amanda, and Grace got to stay at Pap and Nana's house while they were out of town and dog sit their cute little dog, Princess.  They had LOTS fun doing that! 

Taking a walk

Jared got spoiled with having ice cream and Dr. Pepper every night at 11:00. 
He said that life is hard!

Major loves to climb on the hay bales!  He has no problem jumping on and off. 😊

  July 4th celebration at market!  We had it on the Thursday before because July 4th fell on a Tuesday, our regular market day, this year. (it looks like most of us were not prepared for that picture! ) 

 John, Amanda, Grace, and Jared entertained everybody at market.

Thanks for stopping by!  Come again next month to see more happenings on the Silvey Family Farm!