Friday, August 28, 2015

Will and Brittany's Engagement

 (Please excuse the lateness of this post; for awhile our internet was knocked out but then after we got it fixed I just kept putting this off.  Better late than never!J)

        On July 3rd Will asked Brittany to marry him and she said…yes!!!  Brittany’s family had come down for the weekend to visit and on Friday night Will took Brittany out to dinner.  Before they ate they went to a park and went for a walk.  After talking for awhile Will asked her if she had learned anything during their courtship.  She replied that she had and then Will said that he had learned two things: One, that he loved her very much (this totally took Brittany by surprise because Will had said that he would never tell a girl he loved her until they were engaged).  Two, that he couldn’t imagine spending the rest of his life without her.  

The ring  
     He then got down on his knees, pulled out the ring, and asked her if she would marry him.  And of course she said yes!!!

     When they arrived home that night, all of us kids (except for Brittany’s siblings, who were clueless as to what was going on) jumped up from the table and ran into the living room.  Brittany said, “Well, guess what?”  She then held up her hand, showing her ring.  It took awhile for it to sink in for some, and then everyone was laughing and giving hugs.  

The rest of that night was spent in calling family and friends and giving them the good news 
Everyone was on speakerphone and it was so fun hearing all the different reactions (some were quite hilariousJ)

Saturday was spent playing games and just hanging out.  

Erin and I cooking breakfast

We went to Pap and Nana’s in the afternoon and visited them for awhile.  


Two of the most happiest people! J

Speed Scrabble!

The guys had a seed spitting contest

Photo bomb!

Even the dog got in on it J

Sunday after church we took family pictures 
(with plenty of photographers around you're sure to get lots of picturesJ)

Silvey and Spragg bunch

 Had to get a serious pose. J


Silly girl J

The happy couple is planning to tie the knot on March 5, 2016.  
The wedding will take place at Country Side Bible Church in Southlake, Texas. 
Congratulations Will and Brittany!!!