Friday, July 5, 2013

Visit from Family and Friends

Posted by Amanda Silvey

     Two weeks ago Mom's parents drove down from St.Louis for a visit. They had been to our uncle and aunt's house in Jacksonville,TX, and came by here on their way home. They met us at a church in Waldo where Dad was filling in, and since the song leader was gone that night Grandpa got to do the music. Right after they left some friends from Kansas came to see us, so we had a full week. :) We were very excited about getting to see them all again, and we had a great time.

Grandma helped us snap beans while Will showed Grandpa how
to sell things on ebay.

Many hands make light work!:)

Grandpa acting like his normal self.

On Monday we went and visited the fire department where Will works. 

It was neat looking at all the big trucks.

That's a lot of hose.

Dad had to explain to Grace what the pole was for. :)

We then headed upstairs to see the living quarters.

Here is where everyone bunks.

Thanks for the tour Will! Keep up the good work.

The next night Pap, Nana, and Aunt Lynn joined us for supper.
It was a treat to be with both sets of grandparents at one time.

Pap, Nana, and Aunt Lynn, relaxing after supper.

Grandma and Grandpa 
Thanks for coming to see us!

The Adams, our friends from Kansas, came down to see us a few days after our
 grandparents left. While they were here, Will and Mr.Keith worked on our well pump.

                             We took them to Hope one day and gave them a tour of the firehouse.

                                                Keiton tried out the exercise equipment. 

Will explained how all the trucks work.
We timed Will putting all his gear on; it's amazing how he gets it all on in less than a minute!
It was pretty warm that day, and it must be hot wearing all that in a fire.

We enjoyed the visit! Hope to see you guys again sometime soon. 

And according to Jared :), the best part of the week was getting to go
and hear his favorite quartet, the Melody Boys, sing.