Thursday, June 13, 2013

Farm Happenings

Posted by Amanda Silvey
Hello everybody! I know it’s been awhile since we posted anything, so here are a few pictures that give you a glimpse of what has been going on around here.   
 Spring is in the air. God’s creation is so beautiful!
In the morning before breakfast we head out to the garden to do some hoeing.
 The weeds are growing pretty fast so we’ve had to stay on top of them.     

                       We have found that these potato rakes are wonderful for getting weeds out.

                                             With not using any chemicals in our gardening, picking potato bugs is an
                                  everyday task. We have to be diligent to pick them every morning so that they 
                                  do not eat the plants.

                      Squash bugs like cool, dark places to hide under and we have found that placing
                   cardboard on the ground next to the squash plants has really helped. Usually in the
                   morning there will be a bunch of squash bugs under the cardboard, and we pick them off
                   and put them in a jar of water.
                            We were blessed with a lot of rain this past week, and we nearly got flooded.

                                                            The rain has really helped the garden to take off.

                                                                 Our tomato plants are growing big and fast.

                                                         We have some good sized tomatoes growing and
                                                                         these will be turning red soon. 
                                                            Beautiful corn stalks growing in Jacob’s garden.

                        The green bean plants are putting on and we have been picking a lot already.

                                                                  Jared’s ducks absolutely love the rain!

                                 About 4 weeks ago one of Jared’s ducks hatched some Pekin duck eggs 
                              that he had bought. It is so fun to watch them follow her all around the yard.

                                                                                     Here they are now. 
                                       They have grown so fast and they are almost as big as their mother!

                                   Here are some of our chickens. We have Rhode Island Reds, Dominiques
                                   (better known as "Dominickers" around here), and one guinea.
                                      Jared hatched some more chicks not too long ago and they are
                                               really enjoying this outside pen Will built for them.

                                       The chicks are really friendly and love to be fed scraps.

                                                                           John is raising New Zealand rabbits for meat, and this is his first litter.                                                    He butchered one the other day and we had Rabbit and Dumplings. It tasted just like chicken! 
                                         John and Will put together this outside pen for his rabbits
                                      so that they can stay cooler when the hot weather starts up.

                                                We were excited to find a bunch of boysenberries
                   growing along the edge of our property, and we made some Boysenberry Jam…Yum!

                                                 Sarah and Grace were having a lot of fun with this
                                           box turtle we found, which is affectionately called “Stacy”.

                                                                            A beautiful sunset  

                                    The heavens declare the glory of God; 
                                                  And the firmament shows    
                                                 His handiwork.”