Saturday, April 27, 2013

Will's Firefighter Graduation

Yesterday we went to Will's firefighter graduation. For the last seven weeks Will has been attending the Arkansas Fire Academy at Camden,AR training to be a fireman. He graduated with honors tying for the Academic Award with his roommate Justin. He has done a great job in his training and we are all very proud of what he has accomplished. He elected to stay two more weeks to take a driver's operations course. He is putting his application in at Hope Fire Department and is hoping to get hired on there.

 Here is a link to the video of his graduation. Will gave the opening prayer and the Pipe and Drums was a group from Jonesboro Fire Department.
  Posted by Amanda Silvey

Will and Dad
Mom and Will
Jacob (future fireman)
Will's dorm

    We had a barbecue lunch after the graduation.
Here is Will with his cake that we made for him.

Will opening his presents

A firefighter mug from Aunt Lynn.

Congratulations Will!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Time To Plant Green Beans

   Last Saturday we planted six 80 ft. rows of green beans. This is only about half of what we are going to plant, and we are planning on getting the rest of them in the ground later. Dad and the guys were away mowing some yards, but Will was home and he helped us girls by getting the electric fence back up around the garden to keep the cows out. (Last year the calves that are in the field adjoining the garden knocked it down.)
   It took most of the afternoon to get the beans planted and watered. It was a warm day, and by the time we were done we had a pretty good sunburn. When we were finished, though, it did feel good to stand back and look at all the neatly planted rows.
  We also have some tomato plants growing that we had started inside awhile back, and they are getting big now. We will be putting them out in the garden pretty soon after we don't have anymore cold nights.

Posted by Amanda Silvey

 Will fixing the fence
Mom and Grace raking the dirt to level it.

Mom hoeing a row

Grace puting seeds in the rows.
"Remember now...six inches apart."

And while we were working our dog Copper was taking a nap.

Sarah and Amanda

Can you see the beans?

        Now cover the dirt back over.                       

Our flourishing tomato plants.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Breaking Ground

Welcome to our family blog! We hope you enjoy visiting here and learning about our family and what we will be growing this year in our garden. 

  Last Saturday we borrowed a tractor from a kind neighbor (thanks Jack!) and started breaking the ground for our garden. We are excited about getting started on it and, Lord willing, hope to grow a lot of vegetables this year.
                                                                       Posted by Amanda Silvey

Dad overseeing the work.

   Will was back from the fire academy this weekend so 
he was able to help with the plowing.

Jacob watching from a distance.


Dad taking a turn on the tractor.

Freshly plowed ground


"When you eat the labor of your hands,
You shall be happy, 
and it shall be well with you."

Psalm 128: 2
